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CE marking is primarily concerned with promoting free trade, not in creating additional legal controls. The mark is affixed by the manufacturer or his authorized representative to 'declare' compliance with all relevant directives.
Before the Amending Directive (known as the 'CE marking directive') in 1993, there were several diverse requirements for compliance. These requirements were unified for the then current New Approach directives and the Low Voltage Directive in the Amending Directive 93/68/EEC - now these directives require the CE mark to be affixed and various documentation produced, such as a Declaration of Conformance. New Approach Directives are those that put the broad principles in the directive, but leave all the detailed technical requirements, testing etc., to the Euronorm (EN) standards published in the Official Journal. The literal meaning of 'CE' is, strangely, not well documented officially; it is taken to mean 'Communauté Européene', or European Community in French.
The illustration shows the technical construction of the CE mark. The grid is only for reference, and is not shown when the mark is applied. The mark must be at least 5 mm high (this minimum may be waived for small-scale machinery under that directive). If it is enlarged the proportions must be respected. It is usually applied first to the product, but where that is not feasible then to the packaging, or the instructions, or the guarantee certificate, it can be applied to all of these.
Download CE Files
The CE mark is available as a free download in a variety of file formats as below, and is ready to use by you except for resizing to meet your requirements.
To start the download, just click the link below. If you have a programme associated with one of the file extensions the image will open the file ready for you to save it to your hard disk in the usual way. Or, if no programme is associated you will be asked for the name of the folder/directory in which you would like to save it.
Windows .bmp format 56k
Windows .pcx format 9k
Web Graphic .gif format 3k
Web Picture .jpg format 64k (max quality)
Adobe .pdf format 2k
Adobe Photoshop .psd format 102k (separate layers)
Universal .tif format for Windows 58k
Universal .tif format for Mac 58k
Download Bluesky's Wallpaper download now (197k)
The sky background on this website can be downloaded and used as wallpaper for your Windows desktop. Click the link above and your default picture editing programme will open with the sky as a .bmp picture. Simply choose Save As, and name it bluesky.bmp into your C\Windows folder directory. To make it your wallpaper, click the "Start" button, choose "Settings" then launch "Control Panel". The select "Display" which shows the wallpapers available. Scroll down to "bluesky", select it, then press the "Apply" button. You now have blue sky wallpaper |